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Your AI learning hub

#Watch | #Learn | #Train | #Talk

Courses, masterclasses, live training and resources.
Everything you need to get your head around AI.

Mini Courses

We believe the best learning is bitesized. Our mini courses run from 30 mins to 2 hours and will take you from A to B, instead of sitting half-finished in your inbox. 


A totally exclusive range of expert-led masterclasses, covering everything from sales and marketing to legal and compliance.  New content released monthly. 

Live Sessions

Prefer your learning live? Jump onto one of our AIFNT live training sessions for lively, interactive workshops that will cement your learning in a tangible way. 

Resource library

Playbooks, guides, cheat sheets, ebooks, webinars and interviews - dig in and start learning. Download, share with your team, it's all yours.

Our Latest Courses and Classes