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ChatGPT For Jobseekers

Written alongside recruitment consultant John Hawker, we'll show you how ChatGPT can support you during your job search.

What is it?

An in-depth playbook that shows you how to use ChatGPT to build your CV, get tailored advice and ace your interview.

Crack your CV

Not sure where to start when it comes to writing your CV? ChatGPT can help.

Scrap the cover letter

John explains why - in his experience - cover letters are a waste of time.

Nail that interview

ChatGPT can help you prepare for your interview and it can even help you to rehearse as well.

Follow up and stand out

Keep yourself at the front of recruiters' minds with a follow up note - we'll show you how.

Double the expertise

Written by AI For Non-Techies Founder, Heather Murray, and top Recruitment Consultant, John Hawker, you've got two experts for the price of one.

Top tips

This playbook is not only full of AI help, but also some golden advice for your job hunt, to make sure you're set up for success.