AI training, without any tech babble.

Masterclasses, playbooks, consultation and much more. Everything you need to wrap your head around AI, without venturing into confusing technical territory.  Phew. 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

AI Learning Hub

If you're looking to teach yourself about AI from the ground up, you're in the right place.  We've got a bustling range of courses, expert-led masterclasses, resources and a community, all for one affordable monthly subscription. 

AI Training 

Whether you're looking for virtual or in-person training, we've got a range of courses to suit you and your team.  We work with one-man-bands right the way up to global enterprises, and across all types of departments and skill levels. 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

AI Consultations

If you're looking for help 1:1 or with a small team, you can book consultation time with us. We love tackling individual AI challenges, filling knowledge gaps and finding the perfect tools to help you smash your business goals.

Your AI learning hub

#Watch | #Learn | #Train | #Talk

Courses, masterclasses, live training and resources.
Everything you need to get your head around AI.

kind words by students

See what our clients have to say...

“Heather’s training is clear, comprehensive and always so practical and actionable. She brings such value - she’s our secret weapon!”
Dan Ellis,
Chief Customer Officer
"It's rare to come across someone who can genuinely demystify the complexities of AI in a way that resonates with everyone, regardless of their technical background."
Monica Calinescu
Change Enabler
Heidelberg Materials
“Heather’s AI training is a game-changer for beginners. Her clear, easy-to-understand approach demystifies AI."
Nina Young
Surveyors UK

On-Demand Learning

Jargon-free learning

We believe that AI should be for everyone - not just those with a technical background. We keep AI as accessible as possible by explaining tricky concepts as simply as we can.

We'll never bore you with buzzwords or confuse you with complex technical jargon.
“AI is for everyone, not just technical people”

Heather Murray

CEO & AI Expert
AI for Non-Techies, Beesting Digital

Our non-techie community spans the globe

Before there was the AIFNT site, there was the newsletter.

Started by Heather in May 2023, its purpose was to give fellow non-techies a way to learn about and stay up to date on AI - without getting lost in complex technical talk.

Since then, the AI for Non Techies community has grown to more than 29,000 subscribers across 20 countries.  We've taught 8000 people in our webinars, and we've loved every second.


